
Perform Operations on Users and Agreements


Orchestration apps let you automate repeatable tasks and actions that span across a diverse set of systems and applications using workflows.

Document Management

1. Create Agreement

2. Update Agreement

3. Update Agreement State

4. Get Agreement By Id

5. Lookup Agreement By Name

6. Attach Agreement to FS Ticket Note

7. Create Ticket with Attachment as Agreement

User Management

1. Get User By Id

2. Lookup User by Email

3. Create User

4. Update User

5. Activate/Deactivate User


To begin the authentication process, you need an API key. You can retrieve it as shown below from the Adobe Sign account.


App Installation Parameter

To install and authenticate the app in Orchestration Center, the following inputs are to be provided:

  1. Config Name - Give your connection to Adobe Sign a name to identify which account you are connecting with.

  2. API Key - Obtain it from the Adobe Sign account as mentioned above.

The following parameters are required for performing Freshservice ticket operations using Adobe Sign.

  1. Freshservice Domain - The domain of your Freshservice tenant. Example: demo.freshservice.com

  2. Freshservice API Key - Login to your Freshservice tenant. Click on your profile icon then "Profile Settings" on the right-side pane; under "Your API Key," complete the captcha and copy your API key.

The below GIF demonstrates the retrieval of App installation parameters.