This is a sample use case to demonstrate how to add users to workplace groups at the time of onboarding. 

Image1. Workflow overview

Image 2: Workflow overview

  1. Create the event when a Service request is raised.

  2. Followed by the condition to ensure that the service request raised is for employee onboarding.

  3. You can then pull in that app node which will have the following configuration: 

    1. App Name: Workplace – Orch 

    2. App Action: Lookup user by Email ID

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated

Image 3: App node 1

  1. To validate if the user details, the condition node is added to check if that status code is 200

  2. Pull in the App Node which will have the following configuration:

    1. App Name: Workplace – Orch 

    2. App Action: Get group by Name

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated

Image 4: App node 2

  1. To validate the group detail, the condition node is added to check if the status code is 200

  2. Pull in the App Node which will have the following configurations: 

    1. App Name: Workplace – Orch 

    2. App Action: Add user to Group by ID. 

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated

Image 5: App node 3

  1. Add the condition node to check whether the user has been added to the Workplace from Facebook group successfully. 

  2. Finally, add a confirmation note on the Ticket.