About the integration:

Quickly detect and resolve your infrastructure performance issues by channelling LogicMonitor alerts to create enriched and aggregated alerts in Freshservice. You can also set alert rules to create contextual incidents to route it to the right team for a quick resolution.

Configuration in Freshservice:

Step 1:

Head to the Admin panel, scroll down to IT Operations Management, and select Monitoring Tools

If your account has more than one workspace, navigate to Admin > {Worskpace Name} > IT Operations Management> Monitoring Tools.

Step 2:

You are now on the Monitoring Tools list page. Select Add monitoring tool to add a new integration.

Step 3

You will see a list of pre-configured integrations, the gateway to custom integration using webhooks, and the option to use email as a channel for alerts. Select LogicMonitor.

Step 4

Get the Endpoint URL and the Auth key for LogicMonitor by following the integration setup.

Configuring Integration in LogicMonitor:

1. In LogicMonitor, go to the Settings tab on the left navigation bar and click on Integrations.

2. Click Add and select Custom HTTP Delivery Integration.

3. Give your integration a Name and Description.

4. Chose the option “Use the same URL and data to notify on various alert activity”.

5. Configure the fields as follows:

    - Send notifications : When an alert is Acknowledged, Cleared, Escalated / De-escalated

    - HTTP method : HTTP Post

    - Enable the option Use Custom Headers.

    - Click on the + icon to configure the headers. Type in Authorization in the Key field and enter authentication generated by Freshservice (authentication key provided in the integration page).

    - In the URL field, paste the URL copied from Freshservice alert profile.

    - In the Username and Password field, enter your LogicMonitor username and password respectively

    - In the Alert Data field, select Raw and format JSON

    - Copy the JSON below and paste it in the alert data field.

 {            "agent_id":"##AGENTID##",            "agent_desc":"##AGENT_DESCRIPTION##",            "alert_id":"##ALERTID##",            "alert_detail_url":"##ALERTDETAILURL##",            "internal_id":"##INTERNALID##",            "alert_status":"##ALERTSTATUS##",            "data_source_display_name":"##DATASOURCE##",            "data_source_name":"##DSNAME##",            "data_point":"##DATAPOINT##",            "dp_desc":"##DPDESCRIPTION##",            "ds_desc":"##DSDESCRIPTION##",            "dsi_desc":"##DSIDESCRIPTION##",            "dt_alert_desc":"##DTALERTDESCRIPTION##",            "alert_date":"##DATE##",            "host_name":"##HOSTNAME##",            "host_detail_url":"##DEVICEURL##",            "instance":"##INSTANCE##",            "level":"##LEVEL##",            "threshold":"##THRESHOLD##",            "value":"##VALUE##",            "alert_msg":"##MESSAGE##",            "alert_type":"##ALERTTYPE##",            "event_code":"##EVENTCODE##",            "group_name":"##GROUP##",            "cmd_line":"##CMDLINE##",            "std_error":"##STDERR##",            "exit_code":"##EXITCODE##",            "web_site_name":"##WEBSITE##",            "web_site_url":"##URL##",            "check_point":"##CHECKPOINT##",            "subject":"##DEPARTMENT## ##ALERTID## ##LEVEL## - ##HOST## ##SYSTEM.IPS## ##DATASOURCE## ##DATAPOINT##",            "description": "Detail: ##MESSAGE##\n Start: ##START##\nDuration: ##DURATION##\nAlert Detail URL: ##ALERTDETAILURL##\n"    }


    - Click on Save and then Test Alert Delivery option in LogicMonitor to send an alert to Freshservice.

Alert sent from LogicMonitor can be viewed by clicking on the Alerts icon in the left pane.