IT support teams often encounter similar tickets that require repetitive solutions. Similar tickets are other tickets in the system that closely resemble the current one, facilitating faster solutions by recognizing recurring patterns.

Identifying and addressing these recurring issues can be time-consuming and may lead to delays in incident resolution. The Freddy Co-Pilot addresses this challenge by introducing an automated incident population capability on the ticket details page. This functionality leverages AI to analyze and recognize patterns in past tickets. When a user opens a new ticket, Freddy Co-Pilot intelligently populates relevant information based on the similarities with historical tickets. This assists support agents in quickly understanding the context and potential solutions for the current issue.


  1. This feature is available only for Freddy co-pilot beta customers or those who have purchased the add-on. 

  2. Similar incidents are renamed to similar tickets; this capability will be expanded to cover all types of tickets, including cases, service requests, etc, starting June 2024.

  3. Freddy's suggestions will be limited to the same type of tickets available within the same workspace.  

Navigate to the banner ‘Unlock faster issue resolution with Freddy’ on the ticket details page. 


This will open the ‘Similar Tickets suggested by Freddy’ under the ‘Related Tickets’ tab. 

You will find two categories of tickets: Unresolved and Resolved. 

Unresolved tickets for effective problem detection:

This section will represent similar tickets reported by multiple users in the past 7 days, indicating a potential common problem affecting several individuals.

Resolved tickets for best practices and insights: 
Resolved tickets provide valuable insights for efficiently resolving the current ticket, drawing on lessons learned from previous solutions and experiences.

The unresolved tickets can be selected to be added as child tickets or reassigned or create a problem to swiftly action on resolution.