Please follow the instructions given below:

  1. Install the SNMP walk.

  2. Obtain the SNMPv3 Credentials.

  • Security Name (Username): This acts as the username for SNMPv3 access.

  • Authentication Protocol and Password: Choose an authentication protocol (e.g., MD5 or SHA) and provide the corresponding password.

  • Privacy (Encryption) Protocol and Password (Optional): If you want to encrypt the SNMP traffic, choose a privacy protocol (e.g., AES or DES) and provide the corresponding password.

  1. Now, open the Terminal or Command Prompt.

  2. Run the SNMPwalk command. 

                       -The SNMPwalk command with SNMPv2c has the following syntax:

snmpwalk -v2c -c <community_string> <device_IP>

                        - Replace the placeholders with the details below:

<community_string> - SNMPv2c community string obtained in Step 2.

<device_IP> - IP address of the SNMPv2c-enabled device you want to query.

For example, if you have the SNMPv2c community string "public" and the device's IP address is "," the command would be:

snmpwalk -v2c -c public

- The SNMPwalk command with SNMPv3 has the following syntax:
snmpwalk -v3 -u <security_name> -a <auth_protocol> -A <auth_password> -x <priv_protocol> -X <priv_password> <device_IP>

- Replace the placeholders with the details below:

<security_name> - SNMPv3 username you obtained in Step 2.

<auth_protocol> - Chosen authentication protocol (e.g., 'md5' or 'sha').

<auth_password> - Password for authentication.

<priv_protocol> - Chosen privacy (encryption) protocol (e.g., 'aes' or 'des') if applicable, otherwise use 'none'.

<priv_password> - Password for privacy (if applicable).

<device_IP> - IP address of the SNMPv3-enabled device you want to query.

For example, The command would be:
snmpwalk -v3 -u myuser -a SHA -A myauthpass -x AES -X myprivpass

  1. After running the SNMPwalk command, you will see the  list of OIDs (Object Identifiers) and their corresponding values displayed in the terminal.

  2. Look through the output to find the specific OID that represents the data or metric.