Once Workload Management is enabled, a new module called Work Schedule becomes available in the User Management section.

A work schedule indicates an agent’s working days and times. It is used to calculate agents’ and project-only users’ workload.

Note: Any user with play-god privileges in the account has access to “Work Schedule”.

Assigning work schedule to agents

As soon as Workload Management is enabled, a default work schedule is assigned to all agents and project-only users. This is so that the existing workload of agents and project-only users can be visualized in terms of percentage of their working hours. 

Default work schedule

The default work schedule is created using the default business hours of the service desk. The day-wise schedule and holiday calendar defined in the default business hours is used to create the work schedule and is assigned to all the added agents and project-only users. The default work schedule is not editable so if a user’s working hours are different, a new schedule will have to be created and assigned.

Creating new work schedules

If any user’s work schedule is different from the default work schedule, admins can create a new schedule by referencing any other business hour created in the service desk and assigning it to that user. 

Users can only be part of a single work schedule & not multiple work schedules. Hence when they are added to a new work schedule, their old work schedule will be delinked.


In accounts with multiple workplaces, admins can view business hours from all the workspaces in the account, irrespective of whether they are restricted or not.

Deleting work schedules or business hours

Deleting a work schedule will by default assign all agents and project-users to the default work schedule. In case the business hours referenced in the work schedule is deleted, that work schedule itself becomes null and void. All agents and project-users from such a work schedule are also moved to the default work schedule.

Updating user profiles

The work schedule for an agent/project-only user can also be updated from their profile by admins.