The Assets module shows all the assets in your helpdesk as a list. By default, the All Assets view is selected and lists all the assets in the helpdesk with the most recently created assets on top, irrespective of the asset type. 

This solution covers the following topics:

Filtering Assets

You can filter down this list on the basis of various asset properties. Here's how:

  1. Click on the Filter button on the Assets page.
  2. The Asset Type filter is the default filter. To add more conditions to the filter, click More.

  3. You can also select the Choose from Hierarchy view to filter the assets by the type hierarchy.

  4. In the dropdown, select the condition based on which you would like to filter the asset list. If the Asset type selected is "All Assets," then only the fields common to all the asset types are displayed in the list. Changing the asset type will display fields that are relevant to each asset type in this dropdown.

  5. Once the condition is selected, you can enter/choose the value for your filter criteria, and the asset list will refresh with the filtered results.

  6. Additional filter conditions can be added by clicking on more and selecting the required conditions and values.

  7. Click on the Discard changes option near the view name to go back to the reset filters.

    Filtering assets in Freshservice


Filters are a great way to quickly look for a particular subset of assets. But, if some filter conditions are repeatedly used in day-to-day operations, Views can be created to access these filter conditions quickly. Freshservice provides a list of default views that will filter the results based on the most frequently used filter criteria. For more advanced operations on the assets list, Freshservice allows users to build custom filters and save these as views. 

Default Views

Four default views are available in the Assets module, which, when selected, will display a filtered result of assets. The default views available are:

  • All Assets
  • Assets Added in the Last 30 Days
  • Asset with Warranty Expiring in next 30 Days
  • All Hardware Assets in Use
  • Trash

Creating Views

To create views with your own filter conditions, 

  1. Go to the Filter section.
  2. Build the filter conditions as required.
  3. Click Save As.
  4. Enter the name of the View and click Save.
    Creating asset views in Freshservice

Editing existing views

To edit an existing view, 

  1. Select the view and go to the Filter section. The saved filter conditions for the view are displayed.
  2. Modify the filter conditions.
  3. Save the view to overwrite the existing view or Save As to create a new view.

Sharing Views with all Agents

Admins and Configuration Managers can create Views and share them with all agents in their helpdesk. To make a View available to all agents, select All Agents in the pop-up before saving the View.

Sharing a custom asset view with other agents

Deleting Custom Views

The option to delete a custom view can be found when you hover over the view name, as shown below. Only agents who created a view can delete the view. Default views cannot be deleted.

Deleting a custom asset view in Freshservice


- Search is available only in the All Assets view and Asset Hierarchy. 

- Text and checkbox fields will not be available in the filter conditions.

- Only dropdown, nested and date custom fields will be available in the filter conditions.


1. How can I filter assets based on the asset state?

From the asset filter panel on the left of the Inventory - Asset page, select the asset type from the dropdown as shown below.

Once selected, the Asset State field can be selected from the More option by scrolling to the end of the filter panel, as shown below. Once the field is added to the filters, the required asset state can be selected and filtered.

Note: Hardware and Consumable asset types, by default, have the 'Asset State' field added to the Admin > Asset Types and Fields)

2. How can I filter assets based on Managed by Group/Department/Location?

From the asset filter panel on the left of the Inventory - Asset page, select the Managed by Group/Department/Location together or individually from the dropdown as shown below.

The Managed by Group displays the agent groups added to the account from Admin > Agent Groups.

The Department dropdown values are populated from Admin > Departments.

The Location dropdown values are populated from Admin > Location.

To add values to any of these dropdowns, the required parameters must be first added to the above path before filtering the assets based on the same.

3. How can I bulk update assets from the Asset List view?

Assets can be bulk updated from the Inventory - Assets list view. To do this, select the required assets from the asset list view via the checkbox next to the asset name and click the Bulk Update button on the top of the list view, as shown below.

Here, the Asset Type field, along with the Product and Vendor fields, is mandatory by default. Only based on the asset type selected the asset type-based fields be reflected in the pop-up window for update. Once the required values are provided, click Update to bulk update the assets.

4. After a list view is saved, the asset search option is not available

Only for the Inventory - All Assets the search box/option is available as all the assets are listed here. For the other default and custom list views, the assets are filtered based on specific/required parameters providing the required assets, unlike all assets listed in the "Inventory - All Assets" list view/filter.