One of the standout features of Freshservice is the Leaderboard section that brings gamification to IT service. It helps you turn internal IT support into a fun job by integrating game mechanics with your service desk and lets your agents compete with each other to complete everyday tasks. 

The Leaderboard, a core part of Freshservice, tracks all the ticketing activities of each and every agent in your helpdesk. You will be able to measure performance across your IT team and award points to agents, even as they are sending out replies to a ticket. By default, points are given to agents for every ticket reply, but agents get bonus points every time any of the following actions happen:

  • First Call Resolutions - when an agent resolves a ticket with just one reply.
  • Fast Resolutions - when an agent resolves a ticket at the speed of light.
  • Customer Satisfaction Ratings - when an agent receives a happy rating for a ticket.

As the administrator, you'll able to choose how many points you want to give away for each bonus task, and also how much you want to deduct from their score when they do a bad job. You can also choose to have different agent levels in your service desk and have agents automatically promoted to higher ranks as they earn more points. 

A quick guide to creating a quest in the Freshservice Leaderboard:

  • Login to your Freshservice account as an administrator.
  • Go to Admin > Automation & Productivity > Agent Productivity > Leaderboard.
  • Use the toggle to enable Leaderboard if it is not active already.
  • Enter values for the different tasks in your service desk.
  • Decide how many points you want to reserve for each of your agent levels.
  • Click on the Save button to finish creating the quest. 


Freshservice Leaderboard lets you align your agents to your IT goals by having them work on Quests. For example, you could create quests for an agent to resolve 'x' number of tickets within a time frame, or write 'y' number of solutions articles for your knowledge base. 

Your Freshservice account comes with a default set of Quests, but you can also create new ones yourself, based on the nature of requirements in your organization. Whenever an agent completes a Quest, you can offer the agent a large number of points as a reward and also award a badge that will be showcased on the agent's profile page. 

A quick guide to creating a quest in the Freshservice Leaderboard:
  • Login to your Freshservice account as an administrator.
  • Go to Admin > Automation & Productivity > Agent Productivity > Leaderboard.
  • Click on the Quests tab from the top.
  • Click on the New Quest button.
  • Choose the type of quest you want to create, the number of points, and the badge you want to reward.
  • Click on the Save button to finish creating the quest. 

Leaderboard and Trophies:

Finally, Freshservice has a leaderboard that displays the list of top agents in your team and the points they have amassed so far during the current month. It is divided into three sections, each representing a different trophy inside Freshservice. 

  • The Most Valuable Player - the agent who has collected the most number of points
  • The Speed Racer - the agent who has resolved the most number of tickets quickly
  • The Sharp Shooter - the agent with the most number of first-call resolutions
  • The Customer Wow Champ - the agent who has received the most number of happy ratings from users

In addition to an agent leaderboard, you will also be able to see how each of the teams in your service desk is doing by switching to the Groups tab. The Leaderboard is updated in real-time with every reply your agents send to your service desk. The entire team can access the leaderboard, and a sidebar widget in the Dashboard section displays the front-runners for each of the trophies.



 1. Is the Leaderboard available to Business Agents?

,  Yes business agents will be able to access leaderboard.