Every asset in Freshservice has a state of availability, just like tickets, problems or changes. This is an important property which will indicate the availability of the asset and help you plan asset allocations or procurement decisions in your organization.

By default, there are five asset states in Freshservice,
  • In Use: The asset is currently being used by somebody in your organization
  • Missing: The asset isn’t being used but cannot be used since it’s missing
  • In Transit: The asset has been ordered from a vendor or is being moved 
  • In Stock: The asset is readily available for use.
  • Retired: The asset is too old or isn’t functional and has been retired

You can also define custom Asset states based on your requirements. To do this, navigate to Admin -> Asset Management -> Asset Types & Fields (or CI Types & Fields)If your account has more than one workspace, navigate to Admin -> Global Settings -> Asset Management -> Asset Types & Fields.

Click pencil icon to Edit for the Asset Type where a new state has to be created.

Click on the Asset State field.

Create the new State Choices in the Field Properties pop-up and click Done


1. How can I filter assets based on the asset state?

From the asset filter panel on the left of the Inventory - Asset page, select the asset type from the dropdown as shown below.

Once selected, the Asset State field can be selected from the More option by scrolling to the end of the filter panel, as shown below. Once the field is added to the filters, the required asset state can be selected and filtered.

Note: Hardware and Consumable asset types, by default, have the 'Asset State' field added to the Admin >> Asset Types and Fields)

2. How can I export assets based on the specific/required asset state?

With the required asset state based on the asset type filtered following the steps above (FAQ 1), when Export (top right) is selected, the export provides two options for exporting from - Current View and Asset type.

As the filters are applied beforehand, the option Current View can be used here so that the applied filter results, along with the required fields, can be exported. Please find the screenshot reference below.