Apart from your default ticket forms, Freshservice lets you customize and add additional fields for tickets, problems, changes, and releases. These are called Form fields and can be used to drive additional context and also for other purposes such as categorization, logging in important parameters, or automating tasks in your service desk. 

You can, of course, add your own custom fields like text boxes, drop downs, etc. when you are customizing field templates.

  1. Form fields created at a global level will be available across all workspaces. 

  2. Form fields set at a workspace level will be available/visible only in that particular workspace. 

  3. Workspace admins can hide or show global fields within their workspace as per their requirements. In order to do that, workspace admins can use business rules to hide the specific global fields or choices that are irrelevant to their workspace. 

  4. All fields created at a global level will have a global tag next to them within the workspace field manager settings. 

  5. Default form fields like requester, subject, status, priority, and category are a part of the global form fields. 

  6. The order in which the fields are organized can be rearranged as per the local workspace requirements. 

  7. Content fields and dynamic sections can be configured only at a workspace level and cannot be configured for global form fields. 

  8. The visibility of form fields created at a workspace level is limited to that particular workspace, while the global form fields can be accessed/visible across all the workspaces. 

A quick guide to Customizing the New Ticket Form:

  • Click on Admin > Service Management > Service Desk Settings > Field Manager. 
    If your account has more than one workspace: 

    To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > Service Management > Service Desk Settings > Field Manager.

    To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > Service Management > Service Desk Settings > Field Manager. 

    Workspace admins can view the list of global and local workflows applicable to their workspace. The global workflows execute first, followed by the workspace-level workflows, to allow for the workspace-level workflows to take precedence over the global workflow. For example, A global workflow can be configured to route tickets to the right workspace based on the subject/description.

  • Choose any of the options available, either Ticket, Problem, Change or Release Fields.
  • Click on any field to open the field editor.
  • Customize the name of the field for both agents and customers.
  • You can choose to make the field mandatory when agents create or resolve a ticket.
  • You can choose whether the field is visible to customers when they log a new ticket from your portal, whether they can edit it, and if it is a required field when the submit the ticket.
  • You can also add your own custom fields by dragging a field type and dropping them on the ticket form.
  • Drag and move fields within the form to organize them in the form.
  • Click Save to save this form

Adding Content Fields

Ensuring a good self-service experience includes creating compact, neat forms for your end-users to fill. You would also want to add external documentation links, or contact details to provide more contextual information to your users while filling out a form.

With content fields, you can now add a rich-text section to all your incident and service item forms in Freshservice. You can create sections in your forms with content headers, and you can also add relevant links.


1. Can I use content fields in service item forms?

Content Fields are now supported for tickets and service item forms. You can add these fields to the respective service item forms and ticket forms from the form field settings in the admin panel.

2. Why am I unable to delete certain fields? 

You cannot modify or delete default fields in field templates. First, check if the field you are trying to delete is a default field. If it's not, go to Global Settings Admim > Form Fields to see if the field was created globally. Fields created at the global level cannot be modified from the workspace level.