Freddy Copilot

  1. What is the price of the Freddy Copilot add-on during beta?

During the beta phase, Freddy Copilot will be free on the Pro and Enterprise plan. This offer extends until February 19, 2024 after which customers will have to pay for the add-on to continue using Freddy Copilot features.

  1. What will be the price of the Freddy Copilot add-on post-February 5th, 2024?

The Freddy Copilot add-on will be priced at $29/agent/month annually.

Freddy Copilot add-ons
Freddy CopilotAnnual(/month)292923452,399

  1. What plans will it be available for?

Pro and Enterprise Plan.

  1. When is the pricing applicable?

Starting November 10th, 2023, all legacy Freddy features, and Generative AI features will be packaged within one of the Freddy AI add-on. This Freddy Copilot add-on will continue to be free until February 19, 2024, after which the add-on pricing will apply.

The add-on will be available for purchase starting Jan 24th, 2024, and you can enjoy the features for free till February 19, 2024.

On February 19, 2024, you will lose access to the Copilot and Insights features (new features, not legacy) if you have not purchased the Copilot add-on.

  1. What are the legacy Freddy AI features?

  • Ticket field suggester
  • Alert grouping
  • Similar incident suggestions (Freddy assist)

Note: Alert grouping will be a part of the Freddy insights add-on. All other features will be packaged into the Freddy Copilot add-on (except the features to be deprecated).

  1. What will happen to the legacy Freddy AI features?

All legacy Freddy AI features will be packaged as a part of the paid Freddy AI add-ons.

For customers who signed up after November 10th:

The following features should be purchased as a part of the add-on:

  • Ticket field suggester (Freddy Copilot)
  • Similar incident suggestions(Freddy Copilot)
  • Alert grouping (Freddy Insights)

For customers who signed up before November 10th:

You will continue to enjoy access to all legacy features enabled in your plan except the features that will be deprecated.

Note: Solution article suggestions and canned response suggestions will be deprecated in May, 2024.

  1. Will this Beta be available during the trial period?

Yes, Freddy Copilot and Freddy Insights are available to explore during the trial period.

  1. Should this add-on be purchased for all agents?

Freddy add-ons will be flexible add-ons - that is, the add-on can be purchased for a subset of agents.

  1. Is this add-on available for Business agents?

Yes Freddy Copilot is available for Business agents.

  1. For existing customers on the Enterprise plan, what happens to the old Freddy features that were already available to them? Should they pay for them going forward?

  • All Freddy agent assist features (E.g. Field suggester, similar incident suggestions, canned response suggestions, solution article suggestions) that existing customers* had access to will be available for free on the Enterprise plan.
  • Plans are underway to deprecate canned response suggestions and solution article suggestions.
  • To use the newly launched generative AI features, existing customers* must purchase the add-on at the end of the Beta period.
  • When an existing customer* purchases the Copilot add-on for a subset of agents, the new Copilot features will only be available to those agents while legacy features will continue to be available for all agents.

*All paid enterprise customers who signed up before November 10, 2023, will be considered as existing customers.

  1. Will existing Pro plan customers get the old Freddy features for free?

Since alert grouping is already available on the Pro plan, existing customers who signed up before November 10th, 2023 will continue to have access to it for free. To enjoy all other legacy and generative AI features, customers will have to purchase the add-on.

  1. Why do I get an error sometimes when I'm trying to use Freddy Copilot features?

Freddy AI employs a framework that identifies content filter violations when any inappropriate, harmful, or abusive content is detected during the content input stage. In such scenarios, the Freddy Copilot feature may not process your request if the AI content framework policy identifies inappropriate content beyond a set threshold level.

Freddy Insights

  1. What will be the price of the Freddy Insights add-on?

Pricing details will be communicated in the future, and until then, this will remain a free Beta and will be provided as part of the Copilot license itself.

Any customer who purchases at least 1 Freddy Copilot add-on license will get access to Freddy Insights beta at the account level (for all agents). The Admin would still be able to control the Insights availability through Admin settings/permissions.

Once the Freddy Insights beta period expires (could be within the 1-year period), customers will need to purchase the add-on to continue using it.

  1. Will this Freddy Insights Beta be available for trial customers?

Yes, Freddy Insights is available for trial customers.

Freddy AI Agent

  1. Is Freddy AI Agent available for purchase?

Freddy AI Agent add-on is currently available on the Enterprise plan. The Generative AI capabilities, however, are currently in private beta and can be enabled on-demand for Enterprise customers.

  1. What will be the price of the Freddy AI Agent add-on?

Pricing details will be communicated in the future, and until then, this will remain a free Beta and will be provided on the Enterprise plan only for Freddy AI Agent users.

  1. Why do I get an error sometimes when I'm trying to use Freddy AI Agent features?

Freddy AI employs a framework that identifies content filter violations when any inappropriate, harmful, or abusive content is detected during the content input stage. In such scenarios, the Freddy AI Agent feature may not process your request if the AI content framework policy identifies inappropriate content beyond a set threshold level.