In Freshservice, several types of fields can be added to a service item to capture relevant information. These include:

  1. Single line Text: This field allows for including a single-line or multi-line text.
  2. Paragraph Text: This field allows for including a longer text or paragraph.
  3. Checkbox: This field allows for boolean (true/false) values to be selected.
  4. Number: This field is for numeric data entry.
  5. Dropdown: This field presents a set of predefined options.
  6. Multi dropdown: This field presents a set of predefined multiple options.
  7. Date: This field is used to capture a date.
  8. Dependent field: This field changes its values based on a parent field value.
  9. Decimal: This field is used for the input of decimal values.
  10. URL: This field is for including website URLs.
  11. Content: This field allows for including a snippet of information.

    Different field types in creating a service item in Freshservice

These field types help you collect and organize the relevant information needed to provide the service and can be customized to fit your specific business needs.