Note: The release timelines for this feature are updated. If you'd like to get this enabled earlier, you can sign up for the beta version by reaching out to the support team.

Maintaining a knowledge base based on real-time needs is integral in meeting your employees’ everyday queries and deflecting level 1 questions for your agents. To ensure this, staying on top of your knowledge base performance should be your top priority. 

With Freshservice’s latest update, you can analyze and report on your knowledge base’s performance to fine-tune it to your employee’s needs. Stay on top of article insights, performance trends, and track reviews and approvals. 

Metrics you can stay on top of:

  • Solutions: Gives an overview of all articles managed within the Solutions module. Using the Solutions metric, articles can be filtered/grouped based on the following

  1. Review date

  2. Status (Draft / Published)

  3. Created date

  4. Last Modified date

  5. Type (Permanent / Workaround)

  6. ID

  7. Title

  8. Author

  9. Folder

  10. Category

  11. Created from Problem (Yes / No)

  12. Created from Freddy (Yes / No)

  13. Viewer information

  • Marked as Helpful & Marked as Not Helpful
    These metrics can be used to get the sum or percentage of the number of times articles have been marked as helpful or as not helpful, respectively. These can be filtered/grouped based on the same attributes as above. (Article ID, Title, author along with other attributes)

  • Views: This metric can be used to get the sum or percentage of the number of views received on the Solution articles. This can be filtered/grouped based on the same attributes as above. 
    NoteThe views count here is the sum of requester views and agent views. This will differ from the view count in the Solutions section as only requester views are showcased there.

  • Requester views & Agent views: These metrics give a breakdown of the above metric based on who viewed the article (requester or agent). All the filtering/grouping options will be available as for the above ones.

  • Inserted into Tickets: This metric can be used to understand details on the usage of ‘Insert Article’ in the tickets module. Along with the above attributes, filtering can also be done based on the Ticket information. 

Curated reports to explore

Where can you find it?

  1. Navigate to your Analytics module and click on Solutions Overview under Curated Reports


Get an overview of your knowledge base performance that is filtered to your needs. 

Filters you can apply

  • Date range

  • Author 

  • Category 

  • Folder

Widgets available

Article created: Track the number of articles drafted and published in the selected time period.

Article performance: Track views (agent views + requester views), and helpful/unhelpful votes on articles published. 

Note: These events have been sent to analytics only recently. Hence, there will be discrepancies observed in the data for older dates.

Performance trend: Measure article performance over time in terms of agent views, requester views, helpful and unhelpful votes

Article insights

Get detailed insights about knowledge base performance in terms of views, helpful/unhelpful votes, and agent performance based on the number of articles created. 

Filters you can apply

  • Date range

  • Author 

  • Category 

  • Folder

Widgets available

  • Most viewed articles: Track 5 articles most viewed ranked by views

  • Least viewed articles: Track 5 articles least viewed ranked by views

  • Most helpful articles: Track the most helpful 5 articles ranked by helpful votes

  • Least helpful articles: Track the least helpful 5 articles ranked by unhelpful votes

  • Agent performance: Track the number of articles performed by your agents and their ranking

Action needed

Track article reviews and pending approvals for your knowledge bas

Filters you can apply

  • Category 

  • Folder

  • Author

Widgets available

Review date upcoming: Track the number of published articles due for review in the upcoming 2 weeks and a detailed breakdown of the articles to be reviewed. 

Pending approval upcoming: Track the number of articles pending approval for more than 2 weeks and a detailed breakdown of the articles to be approved. 

Data scoping:

Currently, Solutions reporting is available as a privilege -> under admin roles. This privilege will be given to account admins by default. It can be granted to other admin roles via this privilege. 

Note: This privilege gives the admins access to curated report (of solutions) of the entire account and is not restricted to solutions information that only they have access to.