In Workload Management, filters at the below levels are available:

  • Page level filter

This filter is applied on:

1. The work items displayed in the calendar. Therefore, the workload count or hours will be updated as per the filter applied.

2. Manage Workload view

3. Unassigned Work view

For eg. if ‘Tasks’ is excluded in the page level filter view, inside the ‘manage workload’ view, ‘tasks’ will be excluded automatically as shown below. 

  • Filter inside ‘Manage Workload’ view

The default view inside the ‘Manage Workload’ view is that of all items assigned to you across modules. 

You can choose a specific module by further filtering in ‘work type’.

Once a specific module is chosen, you can filter on additional attributes relevant to the module. For eg. Priority & Status is available for Problems.

If multiple modules are chosen, only those attributes that are common to all modules will be available to filter. 

Additionally, for accounts that have multiple workspaces, there is an option to choose a workspace as well in filters. Once chosen, all options specific to that workspace are available within filters.

  • Filters inside ‘Unassigned Work’ view

Unassigned work can be managed module-wise. For each module, relevant attributes are available for filtering.

Filtering the list of people whose workload you’re managing

You can filter people using these options:

  • Filter by agent group: This shows the list of agent groups you’re a part of. You can apply this filter to select people from specific agent groups. This option is only visible if you have the permission to manage your groups’ workload.

  • Filter by projects: This shows the list of projects you manage. You can apply this filter to select project-specific members. The workload shown will however be the complete workload of the member and not just the workload contributed by the selected projects. This option is only visible if you have the permission to manage your project members’ workload.

  • Filter by users: This shows the list of people whose workload you’re managing. You can select specific people and view their workload.