
Perform operations on Jira users, groups, and Issues via Workflow Automator


Orchestration apps let you automate repeatable tasks and actions that span across a diverse set of systems and applications using workflows. The list of actions supported for this app include:

User Management

  1. Create User

  2. Get User

  3. Delete User

  4. Add User to Group

  5. Remove User from Group

  6. Add User to Multiple Groups

  7. Remove User from Multiple Groups

    Group Management

  1. Create Group

  2. Delete Group

    Issue Management

  1. Create Issue

  2. Update Issue

  3. Get Issue

  4. Delete Issue

  5. Assign Issue

  6. Add Comments to Issue

  7. Add Ticket Attachment to Jira


Create an API token from your Atlassian account:

  1. Log in to https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens.

  2. Click Create API token.

  3. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.

  4. Click Copy to clipboard, then paste the token to your script, or elsewhere to save:


  • For security reasons it isn't possible to view the token after closing the creation dialog; if necessary, create a new token.

  • You should store the token securely, just as for any password.

  •  Users automating the "Create User" action via JIRA Orch app will now have to pass the mandatory field "products" (mandated by JIRA/Atlassian).  The values need to be jira-core, jira-servicedesk, jira-product-discovery, jira-software, OR "null" value to bypass this mandatory field.

App Installation Parameter

To install and authenticate the app in Orchestration Center, the following inputs are to be provided:

  1. Config Name - Give your connection to Jira a name to identify which account you are connecting to.

  2. Jira Account URL - The Jira admin account URL. Example: demo.atlassian.net

  3. Email - The Jira admin account email.

  4. Api Token - Obtain it from Jira account as mentioned above.

The following two parameters are required for attaching Freshservice ticket attachments to Jira Issue.

  1. Freshservice Domain - The domain of your Freshservice tenant. Example: demo.freshservice.com

  2. Freshservice API Key - Login to your Freshservice tenant. Click on your profile icon then "Profile Settings" on the right side pane, under "Your API Key" complete the captcha and copy your API key.

The below GIF demonstrates the retrieval of App installation parameters

Now that you've successfully installed the JIRA orchestration app, please have a look at the sample use case below to show how the app can be used efficiently.