Note: This integration is available only for SaaS Management.

Freshservice’s integration with Microsoft 365 allows you to track accurate and reliable user and usage data in the SaaS Management module. With this integration you can:

  • Sync deep insights about the Microsoft 365 Suite of Apps like account plan details, license activations.

  • Track granular usage details for every Microsoft 365 component, including Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Sharepoint, Yammer and Skype for Business

Install the integration in Freshservice

  1. Go to Admin -> Apps -> Microsoft 365 and install the App

  2. Once it’s installed, click on Add New

  3. Using Config Name, give a unique name for this account’s integration with Freshservice. This name is only for your reference to manage your integrations with multiple zoom instances.

  4. Paste the Client ID, Client Secret & Domain from AzureAD

Get Client ID and Secret from Azure AD 

  • Head to your Azure account, and search for Azure Active Directory

  • Select your directory from the list here and click on App registrations

  • Click New Registrations and register a new application here by providing an App Name

  • Once the application has been created, click on Certificates & Secrets option under Manage section

  • App Registrations > Certificates & secrets (left panel) > Click on “New client secret” > Copy “Value”, which is your secret key.

  • Copy the Application (Client) ID and the generated secret key store in a secure location. 

  • The newly created application registration should have access to API permissions to list applications, users, and their usage information. This can be enabled under API permissions tab.

  • Click on New Permission → Application Permissions → Graph API and add the following permissions for the app

    • Application.Read.All

    • User.Read.All

    • Reports.Read.All 

    • Directory.Read.All

  • Once all the permissions are added, click on Grant Admin consent for all the permissions. 

  • Once you see a green tick against all the permissions, all the permissions are successfully applied.


- Privacy settings that are to be checked on the customer side before installing app:

  1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to “Settings” 
  2. Go to “Org settings” and then select “Reports”. 
  3. Deselect the “In all reports, display de-identified names for users, groups, and sites” option. 

- If you want to enable SaaS discovery in Freshservice for Microsoft 365, ensure that your User principal name (UPN) points to email ID instead of other ID.

  1. Enable the SaaS Discovery section and provide the Freshservice Domain Name & the Agent API Key.
    Note: To know more about what SaaS Discovery is, click here.

  2. Click Verify

  3. Once the verification is successful, Click Add and complete the installation by clicking on Install

Discover and manage Microsoft 365 licenses 

Understanding how your licenses are utilized enables you to plan the best optimization efforts to cut SaaS costs. With your Microsoft 365 integration, get visibility into all your licenses and their utilization right within Freshservice. 

Note: Click on your license metrics to view the users assigned with the license.