You can create or update assets in bulk by importing a CSV file. Here are some general guidelines on importing the assets. 

Preparing for first-time Asset Import

  • If you need to create custom Asset Types, then create them before you begin the import. (You can create new asset types by going to Admin -> Asset Types)
  • If you need to create custom asset fields for each asset type, then create them before you begin the import
  • If you have created new fields such as Drop Down fields which can have choices, ensure that you add the choices under Admin -> Asset Types before import

Preparing your CSV file for upload

  • Split your CSV file by Asset Type - You can only import assets of one asset type in one go. As a first step, create a separate file for each asset type.
  • Required columns
    • By default, the Display Name is the only field required for an asset by Freshservice. Ensure that your CSV has this column
    • If you have configured any fields as required, ensure that these are also available in your CSV
    • Attached is a sample CSV file for Laptop Asset Type (Tip: You can get a template for any asset type by creating a sample asset in Freshservice and exporting it. Make sure you select All Fields when exporting the file to get all the possible fields for that asset type)
  • To assign an user to an asset, specify the email id of the user in the Used By field. 
  • To assign an agent to an asset as Managed By, specify the email id of the agent in the Managed By field

Importing the File

  • Go to Inventory ->  Import
  • Select the Asset Type you want to import
  • Upload the CSV file 
  • Choose how to Match Records in the CSV with assets in Freshservice. 
    • If the Asset Type is selected for Import Hardware or it's child types, you can match records by Serial Number (Default), Display Name or Asset Tag.
    • If any other asset type is selected, you can choose to not match records at all (Default - This will create all the entries in the CSV as new assets) or match records by Display Name or Asset Tag
  • Click Next

Mapping Fields

  • Freshservice automatically maps the fields in your CSV based on the header in the CSV. The values of the first asset entry in the CSV file are also shown as an example next to the mapping
  • You can review this mapping and make any changes as needed
  • Ensure the date format selected and the date format in the CSV matches if you wish to update any date fields
  • Click Import to start the import process.
  • The import status screen shows the current status of the import. The status is updated every 30 seconds
  • Once the import is complete, you will get an import status and a quick summary of errors encountered during the import
  • An email with an import status report will also be sent to the user who initiated the report once the import is completed

Common asset errors:

Serial number must be unique: To avoid the above error "Serial number must be unique" make sure the respective assets are not a part of the inventory trash folder. To access trash click on the 3 lines near the inventory > Trash.

Asset Type Mismatch: Check if the asset type is mapped correctly during the import. This error can also occur if the asset is already present under a different asset type in inventory.

Date format mismatch: Ensure the date format in the CSV matches the date format selected while doing an import in the portal. 

Try exporting a sample file from the inventory module for the corresponding asset type and then use the file to import the data. This way you would be able to identify the format in which the fields are being passed. Also kindly check with below points.

  • Validate the CSV file used for importing the asset. 
  • Check if the date format in the CSV matches the date format selected while doing an import, as shown below. 

  • Once the date format is updated as expected, the system successfully recognizes the date field and uploads the asset.